What is Jock Itch? Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

5 min readJun 22, 2023


Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin

Many risk factors are present that cause joke itch. It is a severe fungal infection that leads to developing several itchy skin problems in your groin area. An itchy or burning rash is developed on the infected skin. Learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of joke itch to get detailed information.

What is a jock itch?

Jock itch is a fungal infection also called tinea cruris. It occurs around the groin area, inner thighs, butt crack, armpits, and under the breast. Genitals are rarely affected. The disease is often associated with the same organisms that cause athlete’s foot.

A red itchy rash appears around the groin area. Most of the time, conditions do not get serious. Take early precautions and medication else the disease can last months.

The infection happens in warm and moist areas of the body. These conditions cause fungi to multiply and grow in the region.

The condition is common in males and athletes. People with skin problems such as eczema, who are overweight and sweat much, are also more likely to get it. Women also have chances of getting the disease.


How to identify if you have a jock itch?

The signs and symptoms of the disease are visible and itchy. Most people experience symptoms around the groin area and upper inner thighs. Others experience the same symptoms in different parts of their body.

jock itch

Common symptoms to identify the disease:

  • A red rash appears (sometimes it is gray or brown)
  • Scaly bordered rash
  • Cracking in the skin happens
  • Rash reaching near the anus
  • Both sides of the groin get affected

Speak to a healthcare provider online if you are experiencing these signs and symptoms.


What causes a jock itch?

A fungus that naturally lives on your skin, hair, and nails causes the jock itch rash. The same fungus is also responsible for causing athlete’s foot and fungal nail infections. The organisms usually thrive in warm and moist areas of the body.

Several other risk factors that cause itching, such as:

● Excessive sweating

● Obesity


● Wearing tight clothes

● Wearing tight undergarments

● Wearing sweaty clothes

● Sharing towels

● Getting in physical contact with the person who has the disease

● Having a weak immune system

● Have athlete’s foot

● Male (women have fewer chances of getting affected)

Is jock itch contagious?

Yes, it is contagious. It can spread from skin-to-skin and person-to-person contact. If you physically indulge with someone who has the disease and can transmit it to you. Sexual contact also increases the chances of the disease. Exchanging sweaty clothes and dumping towels with someone also transmit the disease.


How to diagnose jock itch?

Your doctor or health care provider can tell by examining the groin area. Usually, testing is not required. If your doctor asks for a test, it is due to its resemblance to other fungal infections. Your doctor will scrape a small piece of skin from the edge of that area for the KOH test.

diagnose jock itch

How do you identify if you experience the disease?

Almost all physicians can identify and treat jock itch. If the condition becomes severe, you must consult a dermatologist.

There are five easy ways to self-identify if you experience itching in your jock:

  1. Look for a ring-shaped rash
  2. See if you have reddened skin around your groin area
  3. Usually, the rash spreads around the upper thigh
  4. Itchy and burning sensations
  5. The skin around the groin may be scaly and flaky


How to treat jock itch?

It is a treatable disease and usually, it does not get severe. Without treatment, it can last months. Antifungal medications help to cure the disease in 1 to 3 weeks. Over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal medications are available in sprays, creams, and powders.

How to stop itching?

Temptations to scratch the rash are very high. Do not scratch the rash scratching can make an infection worse. Instead, use ice packs to cool down the area. Applying petroleum jelly is the best home remedy to reduce itching.

Usually, itching goes with time, with the help of antifungal medications.

What are the best ways to prevent the itching?

There are several ways to prevent jock itching. Beneficial tips to decrease the chances of it are describe below:

  • Avoid wearing tight and sweaty clothes.

Wearing sweaty clothes causes fungus to multiply in the region. Tight clothes cause the body areas to become warm, sweaty, and moist. These are the best conditions for fungi to grow and spread.

prevent the itching
  • Treat an athlete’s foot.

Treat other infections such as athlete’s foot. It can prevent you from getting a jock itch.

  • Avoid sharing clothes.

Jock itch is contagious. If you share clothes and personal belongings with someone you might not know has the disease can cause you the disease.

  • Wash the area

Keeping the groin area clean and dry helps to prevent the disease. Also, washing your hands more often helps reduce the risk of you getting the disease from others.

  • Avoid physical contact.

The disease can spread through person-to-person and skin-to-skin contact with someone. You must also not engage sexually with someone who has the disease.

  • Lose weight.

Being overweight leads to many different health problems. Reducing weight can help you prevent the disease.

  • A correct choice of fashion.

Wear cotton underwears, briefs, and boxers that fit you well. Do not use too tight and fitting undergarments/clothes.

  • Improve your immune system.

Improving the immune system helps the body to fight various diseases. You can improve your immune system by improving the quality of your diet.

Is jock itch common in children?

In children, it is very uncommon. Children usually do not get jock itch, but that does not mean they are immune to it. To avoid getting it, children must take the precautions mentioned above.


Jock itch is a treatable disease that usually does not get severe. The disease is most common in males and athletes. It is a contagious disease, which you can prevent from getting by maintaining good hygiene. If the condition does not improve in two-three weeks, talk to a healthcare provider online.

