Other names: Total PSA free PSA, Prostate-specific antigen, Prostate cancer screening test; PSA
What is a PSA test?
A (Prostate-specific antigen) PSA test is a blood test that shows the quantity of PSA in your blood. PSA test helps in screening prostate cancer. PSA is a protein created by cancerous and non-cancerous tissue in your prostate. The prostate is a walnut-sized gland situated below the bladder. It is present in the reproductive system of males. The prostate develops the fluid part of the semen. PSA is often present in semen, and its small amount also flows into your blood. A low PSA level in the blood is not a serious concern. High PSA levels may show that you are at risk of prostate cancer.
What causes high PSA levels in your blood?
Some of the causes that may lead to high PSA levels in your blood, such as
- Inflamed or enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH)
- Prostate cancer
- Other problems with the prostate
- Using certain medicines
The PSA test can show high PSA levels, but it cannot provide information about the medical conditions of your prostate.
What is the use of a PSA test?
Prostate cancer is the leading cause of cancer death. You can receive proper and on-time treatment through early detection and diagnosis. The PSA test is one of the tests that a doctor recommends to screen for early symptoms of prostate cancer. But the screening tests cannot indicate that you have prostate cancer. Your healthcare provider may also recommend additional tests to identify the presence of cancer and its causes.
In general, types of prostate cancer take a very long time to grow. They stick to the prostate only and may not affect your health. People can live with prostate cancer without knowing that they have it.
A digital rectum test is another additional screening test that may also conduct. Your doctor may also suggest a prostate biopsy if you experience abnormal results in these tests. Your provider may need to collect a sample of prostate tissue for a complete laboratory examination. The results of the biopsy can show the disease of cancer in your prostate.
What are the limitations of a PSA test?
Some of the limitations of the test include
- The difference between the abnormal PSA levels from prostate cancer and non-cancerous conditions may not predict with this test.
- Misleading results — The accurate result cannot be indicated by the test. High PSA levels cannot always mean that you are experiencing cancer. There is also a chance that you have prostate cancer, but you don’t have abnormal results.
- Over diagnoses — The detection of prostate cancer does not show any symptoms or results in death by the PSA tests. These free symptoms conditions come into diagnosis for identification of cancer, which cannot affect your health and lead to death.
- Cancer treatment — You may get treatment for prostate cancer even if you do not need it. Some hazards that may cause by cancer treatment include incontinence in urine, difficulty controlling bowels, and erectile dysfunction.
To find whether a PSA test is suitable, you can talk with your provider about your
- Risk for having a type of prostate cancer — If your risk is high, the probable advantages of finding cancer at an early stage outweigh the risks.
- General health — Treatment for cancer in your prostate if you experience it.
- Preferences — How do you think regarding the benefits and hazards of screening, diagnosing, and medical treatment?
When do I need a PSA test?
It all depends if you want a PSA test to screen for cancer. If you and your provider may think about your risk for developing cancer in your prostate that may spread rapidly. The higher risk depends on your
- Age — The risk increases after the age of 50.
- Family history — Your risk can be higher if any of the family members have experience prostate cancer.
- Race — It is most common in African Americans. They have a higher risk of developing cancer even at a younger age.
Your provider may also recommend a PSA test if:
- You have symptoms of the prostate disease include frequent or painful urination, blood in urine or semen, and back or pelvic pain.
- You experience prostate cancer. Your healthcare provider may need testing to monitor your conditions and the working process of the treatment.
What happens during the test?
A blood sample is a requirement for the test. Your provider collects blood from the vein of your arm. When the needle inserts into your vein, a small quantity of blood collects in the test tube. The test generally takes at least 5 minutes.
How do I need to prepare for the test?
Your doctor will recommend avoiding sex or masturbation for 24 hours before the test. That’s due to semen excretion can lead to high PSA levels that may affect your test results. Some specific medicines may also change the test results. You can talk about it with the doctor that you are using.
Is there any risk to the test?
There is no high risk for a blood test. You may feel a little pain in the position where the needle goes in. Its symptoms do not hold for a long time.
What does the test result mean?
There is no particular recommended or abnormal level for PSA in blood. You may experience prostate cancer if you have higher PSA levels. But on the other hand, there is a probability that your results show a high PSA despite having no cancer or prostate cancer with a low PSA.
If you already had performed a PSA test for monitoring cancer or treatment, you can get a complete understanding of high PSA levels with a doctor at UmbrellaMD. You can easily make an online appointment. Your doctor will generally observe different test results to know your condition.
Visit Umbrella Health Care Systems to book the order for the lab test. You can get the solution to all your health problems. Register now to learn more about the services and e-consultations.
PSA prostate screening total, Prostate-specific antigen
Order the PSA (prostate specific antigen) test from UmbrellaMD. The test shows the levels of PSA, a protein in your blood. High PSA levels may indicate prostate cancer.
PSA test, prostate specific antigen, Total PSA
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