3 min readJan 31, 2023



Other names

CT scan — abdomen, Computed tomography scan — abdomen

What is a CT abdomen test?

The CT (computed tomography) abdomen test examines the area of the belly. A CT scan uses imaging techniques to diagnose and detect several diseases of the small bowel, colon, and other internal organs. It utilizes x-rays to make images of the cross-sectional area of the belly.

What are the uses of the CT abdomen test?

Your doctor recommends the test to determine the reason for abdominal pain. Besides, they also order tests to identify diseases of the bowel, colon, and internal organs. Your healthcare provider may also evaluate the following by CT abdomen include

  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Cancers of the liver, kidney, pancreas, bladder, and ovaries
  • Infections like appendicitis
  • Stones in the kidney and bladder
  • Causes of swelling or pain in the abdomen
  • Blood in the urine
  • Injury to abdominal organs, such as the liver, kidney, and spleen

What is the procedure for the test?

Your provider tells you to lie on the table of a CT scanner. You have to lie on your back. Your position of arms will be above your head. The x-ray machine will rotate around you when you are in the scanner. The latest scanner can scan with continuous movement of X-rays.

The pictures of the belly area will collect by a computer. These pictures will be stored and viewed. It occurs with the help of a monitor or printer for filming. You have to hold yourself during the exam to avoid blurry images. You may need to stop breathing for a short period. The CT scan takes at least 30 minutes.

How should I prepare for the test?

You may have to take special contrast dye before the test. It benefits some areas to see accurate results on x-rays. Your provider can inject it by vein. You may recommend not to eat or drink before the test. You can also drink the contrast for the test. It will release from your body and does not have any side effects.

If you have any reaction before to contrast, your provider asks you to take medicines to get this substance in your body.

What are the risks of the test?

The risk for one scan is not severe. A large number of CT scans may lead to cancer. It is due to the exposure to high radiations compared to regular x-rays. You may also receive an allergy from the contrast material. If you have a kidney or diabetes disease, you may need to drink more water to pass out the contrast from your body. You can talk to your doctor about the benefits and dangers of collecting accurate results.

You can visit umbrellamd to place an online order for the lab test. You can make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the test results. Umbrella Health Care Systems is an online site that has many healthcare facilities. It creates a link to connect a sufferer with a doctor. Register and get more details here about any lab test and e-consultation service.

click now: https://www.umbrellamd.com/product/imaging/ct-abdomen-wo

