CBC — Complete Blood Count (H/H, RBC, INDICES, WBC, PLT)
CBC — Complete Blood Count (H/H, RBC, INDICES, WBC, PLT)
Does this test has other names?
CBC, Blood cell count, Full Blood Count
What is a CBC test?
A complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test used to analyze the health of a body. Your blood consists of cells and plasma. Plasma is the liquid part of the blood, which helps to flow the blood throughout the veins. CBC test diagnoses and shows the number of cells, such as red, white, and platelets. Each cell has a unique function. If you experience an infection, bleeding, weakness, fatigue, or fever, your healthcare provider recommends a CBC test to you by asking about these symptoms.
When to conduct this test?
A CBC test allows you to see the overall health conditions of your body. This allows your provider to check for several disorders like anemia and leukemia. This test uses to diagnose a medical condition you have. It helps to monitor your health if you are using medications that can affect blood cell counts.
If you are experiencing these symptoms in your body, you may need to conduct this test.
- Heart problem
- Blood pressure issue
- Irritation, swelling, inflammation
- Weakness
- Pale skin
- Frequent bleeding
- Severe infection
- Joint pain
The CBC test shows the level of cell counts in your body if they are increasing or decreasing. Your provider judges your medical condition by this test for your treatment.
How do you prepare for the test?
If your provider recommends you a complete blood count, you can eat or drink before the test. You may need to keep fast for a specific amount of time if your provider asks for additional blood tests. You may need to follow the instructions provided to you.
What happens during the CBC test?
You need to provide a blood sample. Your provider will inject a needle into your vein and then collect it into the test tube. This test usually takes at least 5 minutes.
Is there any risk for the test?
A blood test does not have any risk. You may feel a little pain in your vein. But its symptom goes away quickly.
How to understand the CBC test results?
It is necessary to understand the report of the complete blood count (CBC). So, that you can judge which disease you have or may occur.
White blood cells (WBCs):
Their main purpose is to fight against bacteria, viruses, and infections. If the quantity of WBCs is low in your body, it leads to a risk of infection and inflammation in your body. The range of WBCs lies between 3400 to 9600 cells/mcL (microliter). Low quantity of white blood cells also known as leukopenia. Some causes are as under:
- Immune system disorder
- Antibiotics
- Liver damage
- Bone marrow disorders
- Viral infections
The high value of WBCs, also known as leukocytosis, shows that you have an infection. Some causes of high RBCs like:
- Leukemia
- Different forms of cancer
- Certain medication
- Death of tissues
- Allergies
Red blood cells (RBCs):
It eliminates carbon dioxide from your body. RBCs carry oxygen to the tissues of the body. The normal range of RBCs for a male is 4.35 to 5.65 million cells/mcL. The recommended value of RBCs in females is 3.92–5.13 million cells/mcL.
Symptoms of the low value of RBCs are:
- Deficiency of vitamin B6 and B12
- Internal bleeding
- Fatigue
- Malnutrition.
- Anemia is the most frequent disease, which gives a harmful impact on the body.
Some of the causes of the low value of RBCs include:
- Low levels of iron in the body,
- Chronic kidney disease
- Blood loss
- Cancer
- Chronic bleeding
- Organ failure
Symptoms of the high value of RBCs are:
- Shortness of breath
- Frequent headaches
- Sleep disorders
- Itchy skin
- Numbness
- Blurry vision
- Joint pain
Some of the causes of the high value of RBCs lead to:
- Smoking cigarette
- Kidney disease
- Lung or heart disease
- Low levels of oxygen in the blood
- Certain drugs and medications
A colorless blood cell that helps in blood clotting. The value of platelets should not be under 50, 000 per cubic millimeter. In a male, the normal range of platelets is 135,000 to 317,000/mcL. For females, the recommended value for platelet count is 157,000 to 371,000/mcL.
A very low platelet count leads to a low value of platelets, such as
- Nose bleeding
- Blood in your mucus
- Abdominal pain
- Blurred vision
- Headache
- Brown or red urine
- A high number of platelets can lead to:
- Blockage of blood flow off your body
- Blood clotting occurs in less time
- Bone marrow disease
- Viral infection
It shows the number of red blood cells in your blood or plasma. The normal range for males is from 38.3 to 48.6 %. For females, the recommended percentage is 35.5 to 44.9.
It tells the size, quality, and shape of red blood cells. There are four types of red blood cell indices:
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV):
It helps in determining the average size of red blood cell.
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH):
In red blood cells, hemoglobin is a protein that contains oxygen. MCH measures the average quantity of hemoglobin in a single red blood cell.
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC):
It helps to detect the size and volume of the red blood cells, besides the measurement of hemoglobin.
Red cell distribution (RDW):
It shows the difference in size and volume of the red blood cells
If you have abnormal levels for the test, you don’t need to always have a medical disease that requires treatment. Some factors that affect the CBC test results are physical activity, certain medicines, dehydration in the body, a menstrual period, etc. You need to talk with your doctor about the results of your test.
If you experience any of the above symptoms of RBCs, WBCs, Platelets, and RBC indices, you need to give CBC test. Visit UmbrellaMD to place this test, which is a reliable healthcare system. Umbrella Health Care Systems brings an easy way to sort out all your problems. You can register here to avail the online benefits and save precious time.
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